Role of Urdhwashakhagat Ani Marma(vital parts of the body) in Management of Tennis Elbow


  • Rashi Sharma PG Scholar, Department of Rachana Sharir. National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur-302002 Author
  • Sunil Kumar Professor & Head, Department of Rachana Sharir, National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur-302002 Author



Ani Marma, Marma, Sports injury, Tennis Elbow


Marma points are the vital points of the body. The knowledge of these Marma points constitutes an important  role in Surgery. In Chinese medicine, these points are nothing but Acu points. According to both the domains  of medicine, the energy is assumed to settle down at the points. Once the energy is released in the most  suitable way, this aspect can certainly help to heal the person. Ani Marma is one of the delicate vital point  located in extremities. Proper stimulation of upper extremity Ani Marma can provide physical and  psychological relaxation and strength to the arms which is very much required in common sports injury of  arms like Tennis Elbow. Basically, in Marma therapy, the focus lies on manipulating the prana or subtle  energy. But, with a broader perspective, they are also effective when the person is seeking to enhance blood  circulation and relieving himself from stiff muscles or sports injuries. Tennis elbow is one of the commonest  sports injuries we found now a days, so it becomes necessary to explore the role of Ani Marma in Tennis  Elbow. In this paper Ani Marma will be reviewed along with Tennis elbow and its role in management of  tennis elbow will be explored. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, R., & Kumar, S. (2021). Role of Urdhwashakhagat Ani Marma(vital parts of the body) in Management of Tennis Elbow. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 196-201.