Physiological study Of Agnimandhya (Dyspepsia) Due to Raktkshaya (depletion of blood tissue)


  • Meenakshi meena P.G. Scholar, P.G. Department Of Kriya Sharir, Dsrrau, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India Author
  • Rajesh kumar sharma Associate Professor And H.O.D., P.G. Department Of Kriya Sharir, Dsrrau, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India Author
  • Dinesh Chandra Sharma Assistant Professor, P.G. Department Of Kriya Sharir, Dsrrau, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India Author



Raktakshaya, agnimandya, iron deficiency anemia, pachan


Agni is an important component of the body considering its role in sharir dharan as well as in origin of disease. Out of seven dhatus, Raktdhatu(blood tissue) plays an important role in maintenance of agni It was found that  pittakshaya associated with raktkshaya (depletion of blood tissue)can be considered as the possible cause of  this. It is usually to notice that rakt dhatu kshaya Raktkshaya (depletion of blood tissue) leads to agnimandya (dyspepsia). Sour rasa is predominant in teja mahabhuta. It is needed for waned rakta(blood) to regain it  physiological status. This mahabhuta with the help of correcting bhutagni of raktadhatu (blood tissue) corrects  status of waned raktadhatu. (blood tissue) This is the reason sour such person desires taste. 


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How to Cite

meena, M., sharma, R. kumar, & Sharma, D. C. (2021). Physiological study Of Agnimandhya (Dyspepsia) Due to Raktkshaya (depletion of blood tissue). International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 217-220.