Role of Ayurveda in the Management of Manas Roga (Mental Disorders): A Review


  • Anil Badhoria Reader. Govt ayurvedic medical college jammu. J&k Author
  • Y k Sharma Ex principal and HOD kayachikitsa Rajiv gandhi government PG ayurvedic college paprola. H.p Author



Manas Roga, satva, rajas, Tamas


An eternal science of healthy living treasure deals with physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of the  human beings which covers all the aspects of human life. It is not materialistic science but a physiological and  factual truth, which enhanced by our great sages through experienced logic and power of wisdom. This unique  ancient Indian wisdom has survived vividly down the ages is flourishing in the present times in newer  dimensions attracting the attentions globally. Depression is a very common mental disorder which affects way  of thinking and behavior of person. Ayurveda aims at preservation and promotion of heath, and prevention and  cure of diseases through the concepts of positive physical and mental health. Management of mental disorders  or psychological medicine was an area of specialization even during Samhita period. Manas chikitsa (treatment  of Mental Disorders) Ayurveda recommends preventive medicine. Correct behavior, balanced–diet, and non suppression of natural urges, following daily and seasonal health regimens are integral part of the Manas  chikitsa. Ayurveda advocates use of nervine-tonics like Brahami (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha (Withania  somnifera), Guduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia), Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and Vacha (Acromus calamus)  for preventing onset of Manas roga. (Mental Disorders) 


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Manovikara (mental disorders) in ayurveda

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chakrapanidatta, edited by jadavaji trikamaji acharya, Viman Stahan. 6/5. chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthana,Varanasi, 5th Edi.2001.

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Agnivesha: Charaka samhita, revised by charaka and Dridhabal, with commentary of chakrapanidatta, edited by jadavaji trikamaji acharya, Sutra Stahan. 11/54. chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthana,Varanasi, 5th Edi.2001 (Ch.Su.11:54)

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How to Cite

Badhoria, A., & Sharma, Y. k. (2021). Role of Ayurveda in the Management of Manas Roga (Mental Disorders): A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 221-228.