Therapeutic Impact of Deepana-Pachana(appetizer-digestives) In Panchakarma: An Overview


  • Kshiteeja choudhary Ph.D. scholar, Department of Panchakarma, National institute of Ayurveda, jaipur-302002 Author
  • Nidhi gupta Assistant professor, Department of panchakarma, Prabhudh Ayurvedic medical college, Hospital and Research center, Bakka Khera ,Mall, Malihabaad, Lucknow (U.P)226104 Author
  • Gopesh mangal Associate professor, Department of Panchakarma, National institute of Ayurveda, jaipur-302002 Author



Deepana, Pachana, Purvakarma, Panchakarma, Shodhana


Introduction: Deepana and Pachana (appetizer-digestives) have equal significance in both Shodhana (bio Purification) and Shamana treatment (Pacification Treatment) modalities of Ayurveda. Deepana and Pachana  Karma play an important role as Purvakarma of Shodhana (bio-purification) procedures. Purvakarma (pre operative procedure) refers to the preparation of body for the Panchakarma therapies and it is crucial for the  body to achieve the complete benefits of therapies. Objective: To understand the importance of proper Deepana and Pachana therapy(appetizer-digestives) in  Panchakarma. Review Method: For this review article, various Ayurvedic texts- Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and  Astang Haridayam with Chakrapani and Arundatta Teeka are studied. Peer-reviewed clinical studies, review  articles, various websites etc. are considered. Discussion and conclusion: Deepana Pachana (appetizer-digestives) can complete in one day or over many  days, till Nirama Awastha (without ama condition) occurs. So the drugs for Deepana and Pachana (appetizer digestives) are varying person to person according to Parkrti(nature), Kostha (bowel) , Dosha, Bala(Strength)  etc. 


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How to Cite

choudhary, K., gupta, N., & mangal, G. (2021). Therapeutic Impact of Deepana-Pachana(appetizer-digestives) In Panchakarma: An Overview. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 252-258.