Management Of Ulcerative Colitis Vis-À-Vis Atisara And Its Manifestations : An Ayurvedic Review


  • Akshay Suden Associate professor, Department of Shalya Tantra , Kalawati Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Gorah, Kasganj, UP-207123 Author



Atisara, pravahika, grahani, raktaja-atisara, pittaja-atisara, diarrhoea, dysentery, bloody stools, ulcerative colitis


 In Modren system of medicine no specific cause for the occurrence of ulcerative colitis  is known. No permanent cure of this disease is, presently available, only management measures geared  towards securing a remission and prolonging its period, are, generally aimed at. Such a situation is often  achieved by resorting to steroids, strong antibiotics, etc. The harmful effects of this therapy are well  documented. While in the Ayurvedic system of medicine: the symptoms of the prominent manifestations  of Atisara viz. Pittaja-Atisara, Raktaja-Atisara, Pravahika (Pittaja, Raktaja), Grahani (Pittaja, Raktaja) resemble greatly with those of ulcerative colitis. Ayurveda has a repository of medications, of proven  worth suitable for each of these manifestations of Atisara. Besides their curative power, they are  systemic, most beneficial, and the least harmful, and are capable of rooting out the disease. Two practically useful suggestions have been recommended for managing the ulcerative colitis 


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How to Cite

Suden, A. (2020). Management Of Ulcerative Colitis Vis-À-Vis Atisara And Its Manifestations : An Ayurvedic Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(8), 101-137.