Ayurveda Management Of Garavishjanit Amlapitta: A Case Study


  • Lokesh Singh Bhati Assistant Professor, Dept. of AgadtantraEvumVidhivaidyaka, M.J.F. Ayurved Collage Jaipur. Author
  • Madan Mohan Sharma Professor, Dept. of Kriya Sharir, K.S.V. Ayurved medical collage, Saharanpur, U.P. Author
  • Rohit R Porwal Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dravyaguna, M.J.F. Ayurved Collage, Jaipur. Author




Amlapitta, Viruddhaahar, Sootshekhar Ras


People are not following dietary disciplines which suits for their health. Many of fast food substances,  unhealthy eating habits fall under Viruddhaahar. Amlaguna property of the pitta is exaggerated. Acharya Charaka  mentions the diseases which created from consumption of Viruddhaahar. Repeated consumption of viruddhaahar leads  to agnidushti and such dushtagni is unable to digest even light food. Indigested food forms aamvisha. Amavisha probably  has the nature of Garavisha.Ama combines with vitiated pitta and this sthansamshrya occurs in Aamsaya leading to  Amlapitta. Hetu and Vyadhi viparit chikitsa becomes pivotal part in treatment of Garavishajanit Amlapitta. The Chikitsa 

Principles are shodhan in the form of Vaman and Virechan and then shaman chikitsa. But in the current clinical practice,  Shaman Chikitsa is also preferred in Amlapitta. So we will work out on shaman remedies to be tested for effectiveness  in Garavishjanit Amlapitta. Sootshekhar Ras is clinically proven remedy and used in the treatment of Amlapitta. Suvarna  is one of the main ingredients in Sootshekhar Ras which is stated as vishdoshhar and used in the treatment of garavisha,  soit is hetuviparit. The ingredients of which are the drugs agnivruddhi and pittadoshasanshamanproperty. Thus can be  used as shaman remedy in Garavishajanit Amlapitta. The result revealed significant effect of Sootshekhar Ras in various  subjective parameters like avipak, klama, utklesh, tikta-amla udgar,hruda-kantha dah and aruchi after treatment. 


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How to Cite

Bhati , L. S., Sharma, M. M., & Porwal, R. R. (2020). Ayurveda Management Of Garavishjanit Amlapitta: A Case Study. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(8), 231-240. https://doi.org/10.48165/