A Review of Bhramari Pranayama's Impact on Mental Health.


  • Prem Yadav Assistant Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta Evam Yoga SSSB Ayurved College and Hospital Renwal Jaipur. Author


Bhramari Pranayam, Mental health, Prevention


Background -People's lifestyles have become very mechanical in the  modern day. Everyone is in a rat race to meet their goals, which causes  stress. The repercussions of this stress on a person's physical and mental  health are further. The healthy development of emotional attitudes and  personality that coexist peacefully with the entire society or community is  what is meant by mental health. Sadvrittapalan, application of  Acharrasayana, Yoga, and meditation practises are crucial for mental health  prevention. Yoga consists of eight steps, and to control the sense organs  called Indriyas, Pranayam is crucial. Significant and simple form of  Ashtakumbhaka is Bhramari Pranayam. The humming sound of Bhramari  Pranayam causes vibrations in the body that directly affect the  hypothalamus of the brain, relieving tension and bringing about calmness  and happiness throughout the body. In order to offer a better answer, this  article discusses the function of Bhramari Pranayama in the prevention and  promotion of mental health.  Material & Methods:-The data used in the current investigation was  gathered from primary and secondary sources, namely literature reviews of  major Ayurvedic Samhitas and texts and widely disseminated research  publications.  Conclusions:-This study demonstrates the critical impact Bhramari  Pranayama plays in both the prevention of mental illness and the treatment  of mental diseases like stress, anxiety, and depression. Ayurveda claims that  continuous practise of Bhramari Pranayama reduces the Raja and  Tamadosha and increases Satvaguna, thereby aiding in the development of  mental health.  


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Kuppusamy M, Kamaldeen D, Pitani R, Amaldas J, Shanmugam P. Effects of Bhramari Pranayama on health - A systematic review. J Tradit Complement Med. 2017 Mar 18;8(1):11-16.




How to Cite

Yadav, P. (2024). A Review of Bhramari Pranayama’s Impact on Mental Health . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 43-46. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16448