A Conceptual Study on Role of Rasayana in Geriatric Health Care.


  • Heena PG Scholar, Department of ShalakyaTantraNational Institute Of Ayurveda (De-Novo), Jaipur , Rajasthan- 302002 Author
  • Shamsa Fiaz HOD & Prof. Department of ShalakyaTantraNational Institute Of Ayurveda (De-Novo), Jaipur , Rajasthan- 302002 Author


Rasayana, Dhatukshyaya, Agni,Vridhaavastha.


Introduction -Aging refers to degeneration at tissue level. It leads to a  gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity. The concept of anti aging is described in Ayurveda as Rasayana, which aims at maintaining  excellent physical and mental health in old age through a combination  of nourishing diet, wholesome activities and gentle herbs. Material & methods –All classical texts and modern texts including  paper, articles were reviewed. Results-The fundamental tissues like Dhātu, Agni, Srotas etc. of human  body leading to prevention of aging, improvement in bodily strength,  mental ability and hence providing resistance against diseases. One can  attain not only longevity alone through Rasayana but also memory, intelligence, youthfulness, excellence of lusture, complexion, mastery  over phonetics, resistance and immunity against diseases. Discussion- As elderly people are more susceptible to several chronic  diseases also, therefore it is need of study on rasayana therapy for  improving the expectancy and quality of life in geriatric health. 


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How to Cite

Heena, & Fiaz, S. (2023). A Conceptual Study on Role of Rasayana in Geriatric Health Care . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 144-147. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16455