Pharmaceutical Analytical Study of Yashada Bhasma through Sem & Edx


  • Veda SM PG Scholar, Dept. of PG studies Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, G.A.M.C. Bengaluru. Author
  • Surekha S Medikeri Professor & H.O.D., Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, G.A.M.C. Bengaluru. Author
  • Vidya Vidya Sagar GV Associate Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, KIMS, Bengaluru Author


Yashada, bhasma, Zinc, SEM and EDAX.


Yashada is a dhatu (metal) comes under pootiloha (metals with low  melting point and burns with characteristic odor) its usage in bhasma (fine particles) form is prominently seen in the diseases like Prameha  (Diabetes) Netrarogas (eye diseases) Vrana (wound) Kushta (skin  diseases) etc. Raw Yashada (Metallic ore) was subjected to  samanyashodhana (common purification process for metals),  Visheshashodhana (special purification), Jarana (intermittent process of  calcinations for pootilohas), Marana (incineration) followed by  bhasmaparekshas (tests for proper calx) were done as mentioned in  classical texts of Rasashastra and in each stage the product was subjected  to SEM (Scanning Electron microscopy) & EDX (Energy dispersive X Ray) studies. Results showed Yashada bhasma was predominantly Zinc  oxide with particle size reduction to about nano particle size and making  the bhasma more bio-absorbable. 


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How to Cite

SM, V., Medikeri, S. S., & Vidya Sagar GV, V. (2023). Pharmaceutical Analytical Study of Yashada Bhasma through Sem & Edx . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(2), 01-10.