Management of Mukhapaka with Ayurvedic Treatment with special reference to Stomatitis-A Case Report


  • Chaya C Assistant Professor, Dept of PG studies in Shalakya Tantra JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru Author
  • Jyoti Associate Professor, Dept of PG studies in Panchakarma, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru Author


Gandusha, Mukhapaka, oral hygiene, Pratisarana, Stomatitis


The mouth is a window to the body’s health. It can show signs of nutritional  deficiencies or general infection. Oral health is an integral component of general  health and well being for all ages. Mukhapaka is a commonest disease of oral  mucosa found in India as well as all over the world. Mukhapaka is nothing but a  recurrent mouth ulcer or Stomatitis.Oral ulceration is encountered frequently in our  daily practice because of over consumption of extremely pungent and spicy food,  chewing of chemical agents like Tobacco-Gutkha and also Vitamin  deficiency.Stomatitis is curable & not considered threat to life but these ulcers have  significant negative impact on the oral health and affecting the quality of life. It  also affects normal activities like eating & swallowing. Sometimes brushing &  talking also becomes painful. In present era, world is looking at Ayurveda with the  hope that it is going to provide good asset to the treatment of ailing humanity. In  Ayurveda various treatment modalities are described for Mukhapaka.. I have  selected one of them to establish efficacy of Gandusha and Pratisarana on Mukhapaka in my present case study.  


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How to Cite

C, C., & Jyoti. (2022). Management of Mukhapaka with Ayurvedic Treatment with special reference to Stomatitis-A Case Report . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(10), 51-56.