Endometriosis an Ayurvedic View


  • Jyothi PK Associate professor, School of fundamental research Govt. Ayurveda College Trippunithura Author
  • Drishya P T PG Scholar, Dept. Of Prasuti tantra and Streeroga Govt.Ayurveda CollegeThiruvananthapuram Author


Endometriosis, Nidana, vatika yoni vyapath


Endometriosis is a chronic estrogen dependent condition characterized by the ectopic  implantation of functional tissue lining of uterus. The exact cause of endometriosis is  not detected yet even though there are some theories which explain the pathogenesis of  endometriosis. Retrograde menstruation and Coelomic metaplasia theories are included  under this. Based on the site of appearance classification of endometriosis can be done  as pelvic, extra pelvic and remote. Appearance of endometrial tissue in myometrium is  termed as adenomyosis and endometriotic deep lesions in ovary is Endometrioma. The  risk factor for aggravating endometriosis is cyclical hormonal changes especially  estrogen. Ayurveda does not name endometriosis as a separate disease title. In  Ayurveda the diseases related with genital tract is discussed under yoniroga.  Brihatrayee and laghutrayee describe 20 yoni roga under various dosha vitiation. Due  to the peculiar characteristic of pain, generally endometriosis is taken under vatika yoni  vyapath. Even though vata is predominant, pitha and kapha dosha are also involved in  various stages. Retrograde flow of menstrual blood, genetic factors, lymphatic and  vascular spread are considered as the causative factors. Nidana of endometriosis  include mithayahara,-vihara, arthava dusti, bija dushti, use of apadravyas (iatrogenic  causes) and daiva (genetic or chromosomal factors). Various type pain and infertility  are the main clinical features of endometriosis. Pain is due to increased vata in kadee  desa. Through the study the Nidana of endometriosis is analyzed and compared with  latest theories. Endometriosis is not considered as a life threatening disease it is a life  altering disease that require timely diagnosis and treatment. Currently there is no  universally acceptable treatment protocol for endometriosis is available. 


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How to Cite

PK, J., & P T, D. (2022). Endometriosis an Ayurvedic View . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 117-123. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16486