A Review on Conceptual Study Of Concocted Poison: Garavisha


  • Nisha Jaglan Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra evum vidhi vaidyaka, Shri BabaMastnath Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Asthal Bohar- 124021, Rohtak, Haryana. Author


Garavisha, concocted, insect powder, Agadtantra


Poison causes concern to all living beings by making organism grievously ill, its  functioning and leading to death in certain cases. One of the hidden poisons is the  concocted poison known as Gara visha. In ayurveda the Gara visha is considered  as one of the forms of Kritrimvisha which gets formed by combination of two or  more than two poisonous or non-poisonous drugs and affects the whole body by  vitiating all the dhatus in the body. We unknowingly consume various combination  substances which are harmful to our health. The insect powder, human waste  product or some of the agents of Gara visha. This study aims to establish that Gara Visha has significant role in causing toxic symptoms due to its various uses in  present society and Ayurveda offers its effective management. 


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How to Cite

Jaglan, N. (2022). A Review on Conceptual Study Of Concocted Poison: Garavisha . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(10), 92-96. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16492