Asava Arista: an Medicated Alcohol Critical Review


  • Gurav Prajwal Ayurveda Physician SDMT Ayurvedic Medical College, Terdal. Author
  • Badiger Mahadev Professor & HOD Department of Kaya Chikitsa SDMT Ayurvedic Medical College, Terdal Author
  • Patil Shreekant Professor Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishaja Kalpana SDMT Ayurvedic Medical College, Terdal Author
  • Vasan Satish Asst professor Department of Panchakarma SDMT Ayurvedic Medical college, Terdal Author


Asava arista, Agni mandyata, Long-shelf life, Gada Nigraha, Medicated Alcohol


Ayurveda since ancient time’s renowned system of medicine in India. But it has  got such an efficacy to cure the wide ranges of diseases. Asava arishta has evolved  over time to include a variety of formulations that are prescribed for a variety of  diseases. The pharmacological processing of asava and arishta reported in  ayurvedic literature is rigorously examined in this paper. Inspection of the  constituents required for preparation, including their composition, dravadravya (liquid), sandhaneeya dravya (fermenting materials), prakshepaka dravya  (additives), madhura dravya (sweetening agents), sandhana paatra (fermentation  vessels) used, samskaras prior to sandhana, method of preparation, sandhana Asava and arista are considered as exclusive formulation as per shelf life is  concerned. These preparations are mainly used in case of Agni mandyata. These  use of asava arista have led craze among the consumers due to its quicker  absorption, long shelf life. 


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How to Cite

Prajwal, G., Mahadev, B., Shreekant , P., & Satish , V. (2022). Asava Arista: an Medicated Alcohol Critical Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(5), 79-82.