A Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Panchasama Churna and Erand Paka in the Management of Amavata w.s.r. to Rheumatoid Arthritis


  • Jajbir Singh Associate Professor & Head of Department, Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga, Lal Bahadur Shastri Mahila Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Bilaspur District Yamuna Nagar State Haryana, India Author


Amavata, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Samshaman, Panchasama


Background : Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) is one of the chronic diseases  mainly affecting the joints with pain of severe degree being the main symptom  with progressive destruction of the joints with crippling and deformities,  arthritis poses an unavoidable clinical situation and prolonged morbidity  warranting an active care. Ama and Vata are the two main pathognomic factors  held responsible for causation of Amavata. Derangement of Agni that is  Agnimandya is a chief factor responsible for the formation of Ama, which is  main pathological entity of the disease. The etiological factor for both vitiation  of Vata and formation of Ama are responsible for the manifestation of the disease 

Aim and Objectives: To evaluate and compare the effects of Panchasama  Churna and Erand Paka in the Management of Amavata w.s.r. To Rheumatoid  Arthritis. Materials and Methods : 30 patients of Amavata was selected from OPD and  IPD of Lal Bahadur Shastri Mahila Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Bilaspur District Yamuna Nagar (Haryana) . Patient who was fulfilling the criteria for  diagnosis and inclusion was included in this study irrespective of sex, caste,  religion etc Result: Panchasama Churna i.e. Group A provided mild improvement in 100%  of the patients after completion of treatment. Erand Paka i.e. Group B provided  marked relief in 10% of the patients, moderate response in 30% of the patients  and 60% of the patients were showed mild improvement. Combined effect of  Panchasama churna and Erand Paka i.e. Group C provided marked relief in  10% of the patients, moderate response in 70% of the patients and 20% patients  showed mild improvement after completion of the treatment. No patient got  complete cure and was found unchanged/no response in all the groups. 


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How to Cite

Singh, J. (2022). A Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Panchasama Churna and Erand Paka in the Management of Amavata w.s.r. to Rheumatoid Arthritis . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(3), 01-14. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16556