Effect of Punarnavadi Mandoora in the Management of Garbhini Pandu w.s.r to Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy –A Review


  • Lata Rai PG Scholar P.G Department of Prasuti evum Stri Roga , National Institute of Ayurveda , Jaipur Author
  • Uttara kumar Chaturvedi PG Scholar P.G Department of Panchkarma National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur Author


Pandu, Anemia, Punarnavadi mandoor


India is one of the countries where anaemia during pregnancy is common.  Anemia in pregnancy is caused by a various factors. The most common disorder  in a pregnant woman is iron deficiency anaemia. Rasa Pradoshaja vikara is a  disorder that arises due to inappropriate Rasa Dhatu in the mother and  constantly rising foetal demands. According to Ayurvedic classics, for decades,  a variety of Lauha preparations have been used to treat anaemia. Punarnava  Mandoora is an Ayurvedic preparation that has been described in various  Ayurvedic texts. It's a traditional Ayurvedic treatment for a variety of ailments.  It works as a diuretic, cleanses the blood, and increases blood circulation. It  raises hemoglobin levels and alleviates anaemia symptoms. Punarnava  Mandoora is also used for Oedema, Pliha vikara (Spleen diseases), Yakruta  vikara (Liver diseases), Udara (Abdominal distention), Arsha (Hemorrhoids),  and Twacha vikara (Skin diseases). This review article highlightseffect of  Punarnavadi mandoor in the management of Garbhini pandu W.S.R to anemia  in pregnancy  


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How to Cite

Rai, L., & Chaturvedi, U. kumar. (2022). Effect of Punarnavadi Mandoora in the Management of Garbhini Pandu w.s.r to Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy –A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(3), 94-98. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16558