A Conceptual Study of Viruddhahar (food incompatibilities) with special reference to Current Food Articles & Dietary Habits


  • Sanjeev Khuje Asso. Prof. and Head, Dept. of Rog Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan, Govt. Ayurvedic College Rewa (M.P.) Author
  • Archana Singh Asst. Prof. Dept. of Rog Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan, Govt. Ayurvedic College Rewa (M.P.) Author


Viruddhahar, Incompatible food, Dietary habits, Food interactions


Viruddhahar i.e. Incompatible or antagonistic food is one of the important  concepts of Ayurvedik science and it is believed that consumption of  incompatible foods (foods holding opposite properties) may lead various  pathological manifestations. Variety of food incompatibilities are mentioned in  Ayurvedic literature, which are not in practice now a days. But there are various  new food incompatibilities, which are practiced currently in day-to-day life and  produces harmful effects such as deterioration of immune system, cellular  metabolism, growth hormone etc. Understanding of these food  incompatibilities and there harmful effects is need of hour now. In this paper  we are reviewing the concept of Viruddhahar and effort has been made to  understand the incompatibility of current food articles and dietary habits with  special reference to Viruddhahar.  


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How to Cite

Khuje, S., & Singh, A. (2022). A Conceptual Study of Viruddhahar (food incompatibilities) with special reference to Current Food Articles & Dietary Habits . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(3), 137-141. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16559