Clinical Evaluation of Shatyadi Churna and Virechana Karma in the Management of Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r to Bronchial Asthma


  • Namartha Raina Assistant Professor Dept of Swasthvrith & Yoga Jammu Institute of Ayurveda & Research, Jammu Author
  • Rajesh sharma Medical officer Govt of Jammu and Kashmir. Author


Tamaka Shawasa, Virechana Karma, Asthma


Background-Tamaka Shawasa is said to be “Yapya vyadhi” i.e not only  curable but managed by medicine, but can be cured if it is of acute origin as said  by Ayurvedya Charak.  Materials and methods- It was done on 30 Patients of Tamaka Shwasha. They  were treated on the principle of Ayurveda & evaluation of Virechanakarma Shatyadi churna.  Results-Overall effect is that in 33.33% i.e 1 out of 30 patients cases complete  remission is seen, 26.66% cases shown marked improvement, 53.33% cases  shown moderate improvement, 16.66% cases reported mild improvement &  0.00% cases were having no change in their symptoms.  Conclusion- Ayurveda treatment not only cure the root cause of disease but  prevent the disease in future recurrence by boosting the immunity against the  infection and treating allergic reactions. This article proves clinical evaluation  of Shatyal Churana And Virechana Karma in management of Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r “ Bronchial Asthma”


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How to Cite

Raina, N., & sharma, R. (2022). Clinical Evaluation of Shatyadi Churna and Virechana Karma in the Management of Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r to Bronchial Asthma. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(2), 26-33.