A Comprehensive Critical Analysis of Upanaha Sweda Along with its Mode of Action.


  • Bhagyashree PG scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Beng Author
  • Anand Katti Associate Professor, Department of Samhita & Siddhant, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru. Author


Ayurveda, Upanaha, Sweda, Vatahara, Mode of


Swedana is standard therapeutic procedure in Ayurvedic science which is intended  to relieve stiffness, heaviness, coldness of the body part and induce perspiration  which can be used as Poorva, Pradhana and Paschat Karma according to the need.  Upanaha is one such procedure usually used as Ekanga sweda characterised by  application of medicinal paste over affected part of body with or without heating,  covering it with thick leather material as bandaging. It is considered as Vatahara, can  be used in vatavyadhi with stiffness, contracture and pain predominant. Transdermal  drug delivery system depends upon multiple factors and their combined effect in  Upanaha sweda like prevention of heat loss, to increase effective absorption of active  ingredients, self-fermentation process and presence of solubility enhancer causes the  treatment effective. Main intention of this procedure is to provide contact of medicine  with body part for long hours so has to provide effective swedana action and to bring  its anti-inflammatory and analgesics effect to act upon body for long duration. By  considering present day busy lifestyle of patient, many modifications can be made  into this process. This article compiles all the literature available on upanaha, analyses it and presents with a temporal sequence to clarify all the nuances related to  upanaha sweda. 


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How to Cite

Bhagyashree, & Katti, A. (2021). A Comprehensive Critical Analysis of Upanaha Sweda Along with its Mode of Action . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(12), 81-87. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16583