Ayur-Panchagavya Therapy For Thyroid Disorders With Special Reference To Hypothyroidism-An Anukta Vyadhi


  • Babitha Rao A MS Shalyatantra, (KVGAMCH); Shree Sahana Ayurveda and Research Centre, Bangalore. Author
  • Ramesh DP Chief Consultant, Ayurpanchagavya health care centre, Bangalore Author
  • Kushal Sonu Consultant at Shree Sahana Ayurveda and Research center and Auspa Aromas Bangalore Author


Panchagavya, Thyroid, Hypothyroidism, Galaganda, Anukta vyadhi


Panchgavya, a term used to describe five major substances obtained from indigenous inbreed cow Gomutra(urine), Gomaya(dung), Ksheera(milk), Dadhi(curd), Gritha (ghee). Ayur-Panchagvya, term  used to denote panchagavya along with kasta and Rasa Aushadhi. Ancient Ayurvedic literature and recent  research proves high medicinal value. Anukta vyadhi’s are to be understood by Yukti and assessing Nidana  panchaka; features of Hypothyroidism fall under Galaganda, Shotha(inflammation), Pandu(anaemia), Kshaya (debility) etc but not directly mentioned. Only treatment being hormone replacement therapy,  opens up wide gateway for clinical research for achieving normal functionality of gland. Panchagavya  therapy, Nidana parivarjana, healthy life style provides promising results with phyco-somatic  symptomatic improvements and normalizing lab reports. Its mains principle being Apatarpana and  bruhmana vyatyasa chikitsa. Upon observation the patients were either completely cured or show stable  gland functions. The effect of treatment can be boosted with Prabhava of Daivavyapasharaya chikitsa. Along with positive effects there were few minor adverse effects like burning micturition, which was  easily combated with sheeta upachara (cold therapy). Though at broader level this positive prognosis can  be justified, need more detailed study in further days for establishment of standardised protocol.   


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How to Cite

Rao A, B., DP, R., & Sonu, K. (2021). Ayur-Panchagavya Therapy For Thyroid Disorders With Special Reference To Hypothyroidism-An Anukta Vyadhi . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(10), 56-66. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16592