A Literary Study Of Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta In The Management Of Amlapitta


  • Mukul Pratap Bishnoi Associate Professor, Deptt. of Samhita and Siddhanta, Shri Sai PG Ayurvedic medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, UP Author
  • Chandrashri Baronia Assist. Professor, Deptt. of Kriya Sharir, Shri Sai PG Ayurvedic medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, UP Author
  • Anshuman Mishra Assist. Professor, Deptt. of RSBK, Shri Sai PG Ayurvedic medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, UP Author


Amlapitta, Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta, Ayurveda etc


Ayurveda is a comprehensive discipline that values knowledge of every aspect in order to live a healthy,  prosperous, and happy life. This wealth can be found in the form of its fundamental concepts. The  fundamental principles of this discipline are like deep tree roots that will always securely hold the massive  Ayurvedic tree. Similarity or uniformity is represented by Samanya, whereas dissimilarity or non uniformity is represented by Vishesh. Every disease is caused by a disruption in the state of balance of the  body's dosha, dhatu, or mala, i.e., a rise or reduction in their state. The disturbance of Agni causes  Amlapitta (hyperacidity), which disrupts the normality of the pitta dosha. Many people are suffering from  digestive issues as a result of changes in their diet and lifestyle. Amlapitta's condition in one of them. The  core idea of Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta can be used to cure this. The idea and relevance of Samaya  Vishesh Siddhant in curing. The essential premise in the treatment of any ailment is Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta. This holy concept given forth by our Acharya s may not only be used to heal Amlapitta, but  also to prevent it from recurring. 


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How to Cite

Bishnoi, M. P., Baronia, C., & Mishra, A. (2021). A Literary Study Of Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta In The Management Of Amlapitta . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(10), 144-149. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16596