Overview Of Mechanism Of Nasya Karma


  • Nibe C S Reader -Panchakarma, SVNHT's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Shri shivajinagar (Rahuri Factory) The -Rahuri, Distt. Ahmednagar Maharashtra. Author


Nasya, Urdhvajatrugata, Shirapradesh, Murdha - Brain


Speed and accuracy are the prime demands of the modern era. To cope with this situation everybody has to face  a hectic, competitive, and stressful life. People cannot pay attention to their physical and mental health. Irregular  food habits, suppression of natural urges, lack of proper sleep, and less time for relaxation being part of our life  enhances the incidence of mainly having a psychosomatic origin. The nose is a sense organ that performs two  functions i.e., olfactory and respiratory. Due to its direct contact with the external environment, it is exposed to  a lot of microorganisms and pollutants present in the atmosphere. Due to environmental pollution and busy life  rhinitis is a common disease in this present. So that 'Nasya' (Nasal therapy) being prime therapy for maintaining  the health of Urdhva Jatrugata rogas (Disease of head and neck) and specially Nasagata rogas (diseases of the  nose). 


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Dr. Ganesh T. Aher, Dr.Deepak K. Dobade,Critical review on nasya karma, IRJAY, October: 2020 Vol-3, Issue-10; 235-243 15) Dr. Ganesh T. Aher, Dr.Deepak K. Dobade,Critical review on nasya karma, IRJAY, October: 2020 Vol-3, Issue-10; 235-243




How to Cite

C S, N. (2021). Overview Of Mechanism Of Nasya Karma . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(2), 125-130. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16828