A Review On The Concept Of Rasayana(Rejuvenation)


  • Harjeet Kaur Assistant. Professor,Dept. of Swasthavritta&Yoga,MAMCH,Meerut,UP Author
  • .Abhishek Anand Assistant. Professor, Dept. of Kaumarbhritya, MAMCH,Meerut, UP Author
  • Suchetta Verma Assistant. Professor, Dept.of Maulik Siddhant, MJF Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Jaipur Author


Rasayana, Dhatus, Ayurveda, Health


Ayurveda is an ancient medical science which is known for its unique fundamental principles. It is a holistic  science. It does not merely talks about the treatment of ailments but mulls over the complete health of the  individual. For healthy person the Rasayana (Rejuvenation) plays important rule to maintain the health.  Rasayana is the therapy which is applied to promote long life with good health, strong memory, perfect  health, youthfulness, bright complexion and color, bold voice and magnanimity, increase of strength of the  body and the sense organs, perfection in speech, sexual power and brilliance. 1It is also the best way to  restore the Rasa and other all Dhatus in excellent condition.  


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How to Cite

Kaur, H., Anand, .Abhishek, & Verma, S. (2021). A Review On The Concept Of Rasayana(Rejuvenation). International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 122-129. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16831