Dravya Guna – Backbone Of Clinical Practice In Ayurveda


  • Anant Gangawat Assistant professor in the P.G. Department of Dravya guna in Sri Ganganagar Collage of Ayurvedic science and hospital Author
  • Sudipt Rath Associate professor, in the P.G. department of Dravya guna, National institute of Ayurveda.Jaipur Author


Dravyaguna, Rasapanchaka, Panchamahabhoot



Dravyaguna is a branch of Ayurveda which deals with the study of properties of plants and its effect on  human body. Rasapanchaka is the speciality of Ayurveda which is explained on the principles of Panchamahabhoot which shows the systematic way to understand Pharmacodynamics and  pharmacokinetics of the drug which ultimately help in the selection of drug for a particular disease and for the preventive measures also. It is a science which include all the principles which is important for the selection of a drug that leads to the success in the treatment, so it is fair to say that Dravyaguna is the  backbone for the clinical practice of Ayurveda. 


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- Dr. Ram Karan Sarma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,Charaka Samhita Vol. I, Varanasi, Reprint 2008 Edited and Published Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office,. Sutrastana, Apamargatanduliya, Sloka no.18-33, Page no.69,70.

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How to Cite

Gangawat, A., & Rath, S. (2021). Dravya Guna – Backbone Of Clinical Practice In Ayurveda. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(12), 204-213. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16949