A Comparative Study Of Medoghna Rasayana Vati & Shilajitwadi Vati In TheManagement Of Madhumeha W.S.R. To Diabetes Mellitus.


  • G Vinay Mohan Principal and H.O.D-Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Shivyogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital,Inchal. Author
  • P Shrinivas Rao Professor-Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Shivyogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital,Inchal. Author
  • Khaire Ajit patilbuva P.G.Scholar,Kayachikitsa Department,Shri Shivyogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital,Inchal. Author


Madhumeha, Diabetes mellitus Type 2, Medoghna Rasayana Vati,, Shilajitwadi Vati


Besides the miraculous achievement of modern medical science, humanity is passing through a  horror of disease and drug phobia, particularly in developing countries like India, where poverty and illiteracy account  for the man’s ignorance towards the principles of health care. In modern medical science symptomatology of Madhumeha is equivalent to the features of Diabetes mellitus. Among the several health problems Diabetes mellitus  is a giant disease considered as one of the arch enemies of the mankind. Diabetes and its complications pose a major  threat to future public health resources throughout the world. The Ayurvedic management of Diabetes aims not only  to achieve a strict glycemic control but also to treat the root cause of the disease. For its various modalities of treatment  are developed which depends upon the underline pathology. Madhumeha has been classified under the Vatika type of  Prameha. The Vata may be provoked either directly by its etiological factors, Avarana by Kapha and Pitta to its path  or by continuous depletion of Dhatus. Vagbhata has classified the Madhumeha into two categories viz.  Dhatukshayajanya Madhumeha and Avaranajanya Madhumeha. The factors which provoke the Vata directly causes  Apatarpanajanya Madhumeha while the factors which provoke Kapha and Pitta causes Santarpanajanya  Madhumeha. The Apatarpanajanya Madhumeha patients are usually Asthene and are equivalent to Type I Diabetes  mellitus, while the Santarpanajanya Madhumeha patients are Obese equivalent to Type II Diabetes mellitus. In  Avaranajanya Madhumeha, Kapha is the predominant Dosha while the important Dushyas are Meda and Kleda. Type  2 Diabetes mellitus is mainly associated with Avaranajanya Samprapti. In Madhumeha, the main Avaraka are Kapha,  Pitta, Rasa, Mamsa and Meda, and out of these Meda is predominant. Principle of management of Avarana is Sramsana, Rasayana treatment and the use of Medoghna Dravyas. Hence the formulations of Medoghna Rasayana  Vati & Shilajitwadi Vati is indicated, especially in treating the Madhumeha. 


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How to Cite

Mohan, G. V., Rao, P. S., & patilbuva, K. A. (2020). A Comparative Study Of Medoghna Rasayana Vati & Shilajitwadi Vati In TheManagement Of Madhumeha W.S.R. To Diabetes Mellitus. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(10), 1-21. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16956