The Significance of kalapanacatuska w.s.r. to Therapeutic Purification Procedures


  • Ankit Jain PG Scholar, Department of Samhita Siddhant Government Ayurveda P.G. College & Hospital, Varanasi Author
  • Manohar Ram Reader and H.O.D, Department of Samhita Siddhant Government Ayurveda P.G. College & Hospital, Varanasi Author


Catuska, samsodhanakarma, vitiated doshas, oleation


The term ‘Samhita’ denotes to whole completion of specific, advantageous knowledge
needed for the development of various aspects of life. The term ‘Catuska’ denotes to the set of four chapters
having a completion of knowledge relates to a specific subject and possessing the ‘Adhikara’ all over
The‘Tantra’. KalpanaCatuska deals with the application of medicine in the form of numerous therapeutic
purification procedures in healthy or in ill persons. In the preceding quadrate, information have been
furnished about physician, medicine etc. now the various therapeutic measures helping in alleviation of the
vitiated dosas, are going to be explained of various therapies which infect constitute them. Thus, oleation,
fomentation, emesis and purgation therapy based on the drug having unctuous and other properties are
having are be explained here. It comprehended that systemic Samsodhana( therapeutic purification) of
entire body is a main pre-requisite for all kinds of preventive and curative procedures. Besides being of
preparatory significant; Samsodhanakarma forms a full therapy is aimed to eradicate the vitiated Doshas
and to retain a state of normalcy and equilibrium which is fundamental basis of health.


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How to Cite

Jain, A. ., & Ram, M. . (2020). The Significance of kalapanacatuska w.s.r. to Therapeutic Purification Procedures. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(09), 29-35.