A Comparative Clinical Study To Assess The Effect Of Sadyovamana With Lavanambu & Ksheera W.S.R. To Utkleshita Dosha In Amlapitta.


  • Radha Chethana PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Faculty of Ayurveda, SDAC, Siddapur, Author
  • Kulkarni Ashwini Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Faculty of Ayurveda,SDAC,Siddapur-581355 Author
  • Roopa Bhat Principal, Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of Ayurveda,SDAC,Siddapur-581355 Author


Utkleshita Amlapitta, Sadyovamana, Lavanambu, Ksheera


Amlapitta is a lifestyle disorder, kaphapittaja amashayaottavyadhi caused by the  impairment of Agni (pitta). Utkleshita Amlapitta is the avastha of a disease which produces symptoms  like utklesha, amla tiktha udgara, shiroruja and kanta hrut kukshi daha which are taken as subjective  parameter in current study. The other associated symptoms commonly seen during amlapitta are  Vidbheda, Udara Aadmana, Angasadha Aantrakoojana, Romaharsha, Aruchi and Gurukoshta. Amlapitta can be corelated to Gastritis with prevelance rate around 10 millions in India. Prolong dependency on  contemporary medicine showed side effects with 40% not responding to the treatment. In such situation,  for quick relief one can adopt sadyovamana as Avastika Chikitsa for Samprapti Vighatana. To prove the  same through clinical trial Sadyovamana using Lavanambu and Ksheera with group A and group B  respectively are selected for comparative study. Results showed highly Statistical significance with P  value <0.001 in both the groups in almost all the parameters. When compared using unpaired ‘t’ test both  group showed equally significance. Thus treatment is patient friendly, very effective, intervenes with  minimal preparatory procedures, hospitalization, expenses and very easy procedure which can be adopted  even at OPD level. So the study also strongly emphasizes that all the Ayurveda fraternity to adopt  Sadyovamana in any diseases if Utklesha present in amashaya with due care, so that the pros & cons are  highlighted through n number of trials in many diseases. 


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Pandit Hemaraja Sharma Sri Vrddha Jivaka , Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddha Jivakiya Tantra revised by Vatsya with Sanskrit introduction with Hindi commentary and Hindi translation of Sanskrit Introduction by Sri Satyapala Bhisag Acharya, published by Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Khila Sthana, Amlapitta Adyaya 16/3-7 ,page 330

Pandit Hemaraja Sharma Sri VrddhaJivaka,Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddha Jivakiya Tantra revised by Vatsya with Sanskrit introduction with Hindi commentary and Hindi translation of Sanskrit Introduction by Sri Satyapala Bhisag Acharya, published by Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Khila Sthana, Amlapitta Adyaya 16/18,page 336.

Pandit Hemaraja Sharma Sri VrddhaJivaka, Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddha Jivakiya Tantra revised by Vatsya with Sanskrit introduction with Hindi commentary and Hindi translation of Sanskrit Introduction by Sri Satyapala Bhisag Acharya, published by Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Khila Sthana, Amlapitta Adyaya 16/7,pg no:336

Pandit Hemaraja Sharma Sri VrddhaJivaka,Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddha Jivakiya Tantra revised by Vatsya with Sanskrit introduction with Hindi commentary and Hindi translation of Sanskrit Introduction by Sri Satyapala Bhisag Acharya, published by Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Khila Sthana, Amlapitta Adyaya 16/14,15 ,page 336.

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Pandit Hemaraja Sharma Sri Vrddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddha Jivakiya Tantra revised by Vatsya with Sanskrit introduction with Hindi commentary and Hindi translation of Sanskrit Introduction by Sri Satyapala Bhisag Acharya, published by Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Khila Sthana, Amlapitta Adyaya 16/22,page 337.




How to Cite

Chethana, R., Ashwini, K., & Bhat, R. (2020). A Comparative Clinical Study To Assess The Effect Of Sadyovamana With Lavanambu & Ksheera W.S.R. To Utkleshita Dosha In Amlapitta. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(09), 190-215. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16971