Role Of Herbal Drugs In Dadru Kustha And Other Fungal Skin Disease : A Review


  • Jyoti Kaushal P.G. Scholar, State Ayurvedic College & Hospital ,Lucknow,U.P. India Author
  • M N Gupta Reader , P.G. Department of Kaumarabhritya ,State Ayurvedic College & Hospital ,Lucknow,U.P. India Author


Dadru kustha, Herbal drug, Antifungal activit


Ayurveda describes skin diseases under the broad heading called  'Kustha’. Therefore, the ‘Kustha’ is the whole concept of  Dermatology as described in modern medical science. All the  skin diseases in Ayurveda have been classified in to Mahakustha  (7 types)and Kshudrakustha (11types). Acharya Charak has  included Dadru in Khsudra Kustha, where as Acharya Sushruta  and Acharya Vagbhata have explained under Mahakustha  Kustha is produced invariably by the vitiation of seven factors Three Dosha and Four Dushya. Dadru one of the most common  

but miserable variety of Kustha affects the population of all age group . Dadru is one among  Kustha rogas .It can be correlated with Tinea infections. 39% of World population is suffering  from it. In India also, 5 out of 1000 people are suffering from Tinea infections. It is a group name  for a highly contagious segmented mycelial fungus. It is commonest single fungus group infections  found in an unhygienic condition especially in tropical and subtropical countries, unless properly  treated they become chronic. Incompatible foods and activities which are mentioned in Ayurveda is also an important cause of Kustha. Various antifungal agents have been used for the treatment  of these infection. Most common systemic agents used are Terbinafine , Fluconazole ,  Iitraconazole .In Ayurveda, so many herbal drugs Chakramard beej,Bakuchi dana ,Sarshapa  ,Haridra ,Daru haridra ,Motha which are experimentally proved to control and treat Kustha  without any adverse effect. 


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How to Cite

Kaushal, J., & Gupta, M. N. (2020). Role Of Herbal Drugs In Dadru Kustha And Other Fungal Skin Disease : A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(3), 28-35.