
  • Govind sahay shukl HOD & Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana, Author
  • Manisha Goyal Assistant professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana, Author
  • Rajaram Agarwal Associate professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana, Dr. S.R.Raj. Ayu. University, Jodhpur Author


piles, fistula, Herbo mineral preparation, kasisadi taila, arshkuthar rasa


Āyurveda is an age old science of health which  emphasize on the health than to cure disease. So,  nowadays people are coming back to the nature from  synthetics, hence, the Āyurveda will be the future  medicinal science of the world, not only the India. In the  era of fast food, there is change or irregularity in diet  and diet timings and also sedentary life style. In addition  to change in diet and life style, one is always under  tremendous mental stress. All these causes disturb in  digestive system which results into many diseases  amongst them ano-rectal disorder constitute an  important group. Herbomineral preparations are  considered in ayurveda as Rasausadhis which are  appreciated for their smaller dosages, quicker effectiveness, long durability etc. Thus the Herbomineral preparations play an important and major role in curing the ailing  human beings. Many of these types of preparations are used to treat anorectal diseases like  


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How to Cite

shukl, G. sahay, Goyal, M., & Agarwal, R. (2019). MANAGEMENT OF ANORECTAL DISORDER W.S.R. TO HERBO- MINERAL PREPARATION. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(3), 35-40.