The Impact of Isha Yoga Practices on Mental and Physical Well-being: A Narrative Synthesis of Current Literature.


  • Selvaraj Giridharan Consultant Oncologist .Department of Medical Oncology Tawam Hospitals Al Ain, UAE Author
  • Soni Soumian Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon Department of Breast Surgery Tawam Hospitals Al Ain, UAE Author
  • Bhuvana Pandiyan Specialist Registrar Department of Psychiatry Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust Hereford, UK Author



Isha Yoga, Mental Health, Physical Health, Stress Reduction, Quality of Life


Isha Yoga is a comprehensive approach that integrates yogic practices such as  Isha Kriya, Shambhavi Mahamudra, Upa Yoga, and the Samyama program. These practices  have garnered attention for their potential health benefits including stress reduction,  emotional equilibrium, and enhanced physical well-being. This review aimed to evaluate  the impact of Isha Yoga on physical and mental health outcomes by analysing evidence from  randomised controlled trials (RCTs), observational studies, and survey-based research. Methods:A comprehensive literature search was conducted across multiple academic  databases, including studies published between 1990 and 2024. The inclusion criteria were  Studies investigating the effects of Isha Yoga on mental health, physical health, and quality of  life were included. Eligible studies were categorised as RCTs, observational studies, or survey based studies. Quality assessments were performed using established tools, including the  Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for RCTs, the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for observational  studies, and CHERRIES for survey studies. Results:Seventeen studies were included in the review, comprising three RCTs, 11  observational studies, and three surveys. Evidence from high-quality RCTs suggests that  Isha Yoga practices significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while enhancing  mental well-being. Observational studies and surveys have reported improvements in  cardiovascular health, metabolic markers, and the overall quality of life. However, the  strength of the evidence varies: the most robust findings relate to mental health outcomes,  whereas physical health benefits rely on moderate-quality observational evidence. Conclusion: Isha Yoga demonstrates promising benefits for both mental and physical health,  particularly in reducing stress and anxiety, and improving emotional well-being. However,  further high-quality research is necessary to corroborate these effects and investigate  underlying mechanisms, such as autonomic regulation and neuroplasticity. Future studies  should explore the long-term impacts of these practices and their potential role in holistic  health strategies to promote sustainable well-being. 


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How to Cite

Giridharan, S., Soumian, S., & Pandiyan, B. (2024). The Impact of Isha Yoga Practices on Mental and Physical Well-being: A Narrative Synthesis of Current Literature . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 7(11), 36-46.