Review on Vishajanya Janapadodwamsa Vyadhi w.s.r. to Environmental Toxicity


  • Bhavani pujar Associate Professor Department of Agadatantra SJG Ayurvedic Medical College Koppal Author
  • Shivakumar Budihal Associate Professor Department of Koumarabhritya SGV Ayurvedic Medical College Bailhongal Author



Environment, toxicity, hazards, purification, COVID-19


Environmental toxicology is a multidisciplinary domain of science, which occupies  an important niche, overlapping the field of toxicology. It focuses on humans and  other living beings and therefore plays an important role in addressing public health  challenges. With increasing numbers of environmental problems, there is a need  for immediate health solutions. Environmental toxicity and its health hazards are  not a new global issue; it has been in practice for 5,000 years. In olden days, kings,  when they entered enemy kingdoms along with the military, faced the threat of  being poisoned by entities like air, water, land, grass, and cattle feed. In present days,  because of human activities, industries, pesticides, chemicals, and other unhealthy  behaviors, the environment is getting poisoned and affecting the health of not only  human beings but also the other living creatures of the earth and aquatic ecosystems.  The present COVID-19 crisis is also a kind of environmental toxicity affecting the  whole world. This paper is an attempt to review the health problems and methods of  purification of such environmental particulates explained in classical texts and discuss  the adaptation of these methods for challenging problems related to environmental  toxicity in the present era. 


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How to Cite

pujar, B., & Budihal, S. (2024). Review on Vishajanya Janapadodwamsa Vyadhi w.s.r. to Environmental Toxicity. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 7(12), 42-49.