Studies on the impact of various sowing dates on Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties' yield and yield components at Gambella, South West Ethiopia




Abasena, Adi, Sesame, Sowing date


Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a major oil crop farmed in many parts of the world. Sesame yields are quite low due to inadequate management practices and planting after the optimal period of sowing. One of the most serious issues in global sesame production is leaf blight disease, which can arise in epidemics. Long periods of damp and humid weather promote the disease. As a result, determining the optimal planting date may aid in the resolution of these issues. A field experiment was carried out in Itang special woreda to explore the effects of different sowing dates on sesame yield and yield components, as well as to find the best yielding sesame variety. A Factorial combination of four sowing dates (2nd June, 17th June, 2nd July, and 17th July) was set up in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The data analysis demonstrated a significant interaction impact (p≤0.01) between sowing dates and varieties on plant height, number of branches/plant, number of capsules/branch, number of capsules/plant, number of seeds/capsule, thousand seeds weight, and seed yield kg/ha. Sowing dates had a significant impact on seed oil content, days to flowering, and days to maturity (p≤0.05). However, cultivars did not have a significant impact on these factors. The Abasena and Adi sesame cultivars produced the maximum plant heights (99.8cm and 96.2cm, respectively) during the early June sowing season. The above-mentioned types produced the most branches per plant (6.6 and 5.6) when planted on June 17th, respectively. The maximum number of capsules per branch (6.3 and 5.8) and capsules per plant (44.6 and 41) were observed on June 17th from the Abasena and Adi sesame types, respectively. According to the current findings, the largest number of seeds per capsule (62 and 51) was acquired on June 17th, while the lowest number of seeds per capsule (28 and 26) was achieved on July 17th planting. Both kinds produced their highest yields (769 and 702 kg/ha) on June 17th. In conclusion, the 17th of June was the best sowing date for sesame yield and yield components in the research area. To arrive at a reliable conclusion, additional study should be conducted across multiple places and seasons.


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Author Biographies

  • John Barnabas, Gambella University

    Associate Professor

    Gambella University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Department of Plant Science, Gambella P.O. Box: 126, Ethiopia

  • Kalkidan Shiferaw Abebe, Gambella University


    Gambella University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Department of Plant Science, Gambella P.O. Box: 126, Ethiopia

  • Mesfin Kebede, Gambella University


    Gambella University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Department of Plant Science, Gambella P.O. Box: 126, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Barnabas, J., Abebe, K. S. ., & Kebede, M. . (2025). Studies on the impact of various sowing dates on Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties’ yield and yield components at Gambella, South West Ethiopia. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 20(1).