Smart Irrigation System for Agricultural crops


  • Malhar Jambhorkar Vishwakarma Institute of Technology , Pune
  • Vaidehi Jalwadi Vishwakarma Institute of Technology , Pune
  • Sushant Jakhade Vishwakarma Institute of Technology , Pune
  • Dev Jangam Vishwakarma Institute of Technology , Pune
  • Aditya Jajoo Vishwakarma Institute of Technology , Pune
  • Anshul Jambhure Deshmukh Vishwakarma Institute of Technology , Pune



KEYWORDS: Agriculture, Irrigation, Microcontroller, Soil Moisture Content, Soil Moisture Sensor, Water Frequency.


In India, agriculture plays a critical role, employing a massive 65% of the workforce and contributing significantly (26%) to the GDP. However, water scarcity poses a major challenge. To address this, an intelligent irrigation system was developed to optimize water usage and prevent overwatering. This system calculates the Soil Moisture Content (SMC) and delivers watering based on each plant's specific needs. For the research purpose, three commonly grown leafy vegetables were chosen: dill, fenugreek, and spinach. All three are popular and healthy, widely cultivated across India. This selection offers a range of water requirements. Fenugreek, an important crop in arid regions like Rajasthan and Maharashtra, has moderate to high water needs. Spinach, a global vegetable rich in nutrients, also requires moderate watering, but suffers greatly under drought stress, a major challenge for its growth. Leafy greens, like spinach, are particularly susceptible to water stress, making precise irrigation crucial. Dill, another economical crop, likely has its own specific watering needs, further contributing to the comprehensiveness of the system's evaluation. By studying these plants with varying water demands and drought tolerance, valuable insights were gained into how the system could benefit a diverse range of crops in different water situations. The results were promising, demonstrating the system's ability to effectively monitor water needs and promote healthy plant growth. This innovation offers a sustainable solution for Indian agriculture, ensuring efficient water use while maximizing crop yield.  



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How to Cite

Jambhorkar, M., Jalwadi, V., Jakhade, S. ., Jangam, D., Jajoo, A. ., & Jambhure Deshmukh, A. (2025). Smart Irrigation System for Agricultural crops. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 20(1).