Effect of different dates of rice transplanting on incidence and abundance of major insect pests and the crop yield


  • Rabindra Prasad Department of Entomology, Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi-834006 (Jharkhand)


Rice, insect pests, dates of planting, shifting, yield


The field experiment conducted with seedlings of rice (var. IR-64) transplanted on four different dates at two weeks intervals starting from 1st of July till 14th August during wet season of 2015 and 2016 in 10 replications in RBD revealed that earlier were the date of transplanting, significantly lesser were the intensities of attack of yellow stem borer, rice hispa, leaf folder, case worm and green leaf hopper (GLH) and vice versa during 2015 and 2016. However, in case of ear bug, earlier was the date of planting, higher was the attack of earbug and vice-versa. Early transplanted crop realized higher grain yield compared to those planted latter. The crop transplanted early (1st July), normal date of planting (15th July), delayed planting (30th July) and very delayed planting crop (14th August), yielded 44.46, 39.85, 34.64 and 29.20 q ha-1 during, 2015 and 46.90, 40.90, 35.75 and 30.80 q ha-1 during 2016, respectively. 


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How to Cite

Prasad , R. (2020). Effect of different dates of rice transplanting on incidence and abundance of major insect pests and the crop yield . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(1), 67-69. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/jefa/article/view/8065