Synchronizing nitrogen and potassium supply with crop demand to enhance nutrient use efficiency and water use efficiency on Bt cotton hybrid (NSPL-999)


  • M S Shah Department of Natural Resource Management, Mahatma Gandhi, Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.), India
  • H S Kushwaha Department of Natural Resource Management, Mahatma Gandhi, Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.), India
  • M L Kewat Department of Agronomy, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur (M.P.), India
  • R K Rai Department of Natural Resource Management, Mahatma Gandhi, Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.), India


Bt cotton, nitrogen, potassium, split application, water use efficiency and nutrient uptake


A field experiment was conducted to assess N and NK split application to synchronize nutrient application with crop demand in Bt cotton hybrid (NSPL-99). Eight timings of application and different dose of N and NK were taken as different treatments. Timings were planned to supply the fertilizer at different crop growth stages, i.e., at 10, 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS. Split application of N and NK did not have any significant effect on plant height (cm), monopodia per plant, sympodia per plant, boll per plant, boll weight, and G.O.T. (Ginning percentage). Bolls per plant was affected significantly with the different mode of fertilizers application as well as timing of split application. The seed cotton yield did not deviate significantly due to split-cum-basal fertilizer application; however, timings of split application of fertilizers resulted in significant changes in the productivity parameter. The extra net income from F2 was only Rs. 2884 ha-1 over F1. Amongst the timing of split application, S4 and S5 having three splits up to 60 DAS proved significantly superior to some of the remaining treatments. Seed cotton yield ranged from 21.15 to 21.19 q ha-1 with extra net income from Rs. 6109 to Rs. 6205 ha-1 over S1. Other treatments except S7, showed monetary loss from Rs. 900 to Rs. 2250 ha-1. The treatment interactions were found to be significant GMR, and NMR the characters under study. 


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How to Cite

Shah, M. S., Kushwaha, H. S., Kewat, M. L., & Rai, R. K. (2019). Synchronizing nitrogen and potassium supply with crop demand to enhance nutrient use efficiency and water use efficiency on Bt cotton hybrid (NSPL-999) . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 14(2), 23-27.