Pyrethroid Resistance Monitoring in Culex pipiens Mosquito Populations from Three Egyptian Governorates


  • R A Tageldin Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University (Branch of Girls), Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • A Zayed Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. Author
  • E M Abd-EI- Samie Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. Author
  • H I Mahmoud Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University (Branch of Girls), Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • A B Zayed Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University (Branch of Girls), Cairo, Egypt. Author



Insecticide Resistance, Culex Pipiens, Monitoring, Pyrethroid


Insecticide resistance monitoring of mosquito field populations is a  crucial for guide and select the rational application of this insecticide.  Both, levels and mechanisms of resistance are important to select effi cient insecticides for the control of disease vectors. Culex pipiens mos quitoes collected from three different Governorates in Egypt (El-Fayoum,  Menofia and Giza), were tested for insecticides susceptibility against  Lambda-cyhalothrin and DDT. The results showed high resistance to  the tested insecticides among Menofia and Giza collected populations,  whereas El-Fayoum population showed low level of resistance. a great  precaution should be considered about the type of control measures in  these areas, when using the same insecticide. The presented output is  alarming to health sectors and vector control decision makers. Mosquito  control programs may need considering alternative insecticide classes for  control of C. pipiens in the monitored areas. 


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How to Cite

Pyrethroid Resistance Monitoring in Culex pipiens Mosquito Populations from Three Egyptian Governorates . (2018). Journal of Nuclear Technology in Applied Science, 6(3), 133-142.