Effect of Chromium and Selenium-Eon Progesterone and Estradiol-17p Levels during Reproductive Cycle of Baladi Female Goats under Egyptian Conditions
Chromium, Selenium-E, Heat Stress, ProgesteroneAbstract
The effect of chromium and selenium with vitamin E on progester
) and estradiol-17 ~ (E) levels of Baladi female goats was the
objective of this study as new techniques for improving the reproduc
tive perfonnance of Egyptian goats. Seventy-two of mature Baladi does
were used through two conditions of mild and hot climates (36 animals
/ season). The animals were randomly divided into three equal groups,
is the control group, the 2 group was supplemented by chromium
in capsules and the 3 group was intramuscularly injected twice a week
with 2ml VITESELEN®, (0.5 mg selenium and 10.7 IU vitamin E, Se-E).
Serum honnones levels were assessed in the three experimental goats at
the estrous, pregnancy and postpartum periods. The results showed that P
levels during estrous cycle and mid-pregnancy periods were significantly
higher in mild climate than in hot climate while opposite trend was found
during early and late pregnancy as well as postpartum period. E levels
during postpartum period were significantly higher in hot climate than in
mild while during estrous cycle no significant differences in E2 levels due
to season. Chromium showed significant (P<0.05) increase in P levels
in goats during each of estrous cycle and pregnancy periods and showed
significant decrease in P levels in goats during postpartum period as com
pared with control. Selenium-E significantly increased the concentration
in goats during each of the luteal phase of estrous cycle, pregnancy
and at 30 day postpartum periods as compared with control. The opposite
trend was found at 15 and 45 days postpartum. No significant difference
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