An Analysis of the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Turnover Intentions of Library Personnel in Private University Libraries in South-South, Nigeria


  • Rosemary Anwuli Odiachi Librarian, Benson Idahosa University, Benin City, Nigeria.



Organisational Culture, Turnover Intentions, Library Personnel, Private University Librarie, DS: Organisational Culture, Turnover Intentions, Library Personnel,Private University Libraries,, Nigeria


The study investigated an analysis of the relationship between organisational culture and turnover intentions of  library personnel in private university libraries in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted correlational  survey design. The population of the study was 113 library personnel that comprised 39 professionals, 46  paraprofessionals, and 28 support staff. The instrument used for data collection was researcher developed  questionnaire. The on-the-spot mode was adopted in the collection of data. A total of 103 copies of the 113 copies  of questionnaire were retrieved which amounted to 91.15% return rate. The descriptive statistics of Pearson  Product Moment Correlational Coefficient (r) (PPMCC) were used to analyse data derived from the research  questions. Linear regression analysis was used to test the null hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The  result shows that there is no relationship between organisational culture and turnover intentions of library  personnel in private university libraries in South-South, Nigeria. It shows that the correlation coefficient (r) is - 0.60. This is an indication that there is a negative high relationship between organisational culture and  turnover intentions of library personnel. The study recommends that private university library management  should revisit some of their policies and working conditions to ensure that they are favourable to the library  personnelandprotect their interest and well-being


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How to Cite

An Analysis of the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Turnover Intentions of Library Personnel in Private University Libraries in South-South, Nigeria . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 117-129.