Planning and Advertisement Procedure Used For Recruitment of Librarians in Federal Universities Libraries in South-South, Nigeria


  • Eruvwe Ufuoma Department of Library and Information Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
  • Okonoko Vera Ngozi College of Education, Agbor, Nigeria



Planning, Advertisement, Recruitment, Librarians


The study investigated planning and advertisement procedures used for recruitment of librarians in  federal university libraries in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design.  Three (3) research questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised 108 academic  librarians in the six Federal universities spread across the six states of South-South, Nigeria. The  entire 108 questionnaires were administered to the respondents, only 95 were filled and returned, and  was used for the study because the entire population size was manageable. The overall reliability of the  instrument yielded 0.95 with the use of Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. The rating scale of 4 points was  subjected to an estimation procedure using SPSS version 17.0. A mean score of 2.5 and above on any  item was accepted. The major findings of the study were that the degree of agreement of librarians on  all planning process was high.; that the extent in which respondents agreed on those advertisement  procedures were moderately high, and the challenges associated with recruitment of librarians in the  federal university libraries in South-South, Nigeria was high. Based on the findings, it was  recommended as follows: that the university library management should ensure that there is the need  to plan before the commencement of recruitment exercise; that the best advertisement procedures  should be used to reach out to suitable applicants; and that factors such as nepotism, godfatherism,  favoritism, and other challenges should not be considered in the recruitment of librarians. 


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How to Cite

Planning and Advertisement Procedure Used For Recruitment of Librarians in Federal Universities Libraries in South-South, Nigeria . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(1), 26-33.