Basic Skills Needed in Continuing Professional Development of Librarians in Nigeria


  • Joseph Chukwusa Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Nigeria.



Continuing education, Professional development, Librarians, Nigeria


Aim: The study investigated continuing professional development of librarians and basic skills mostly  needed in 10 academic libraries in Delta State, Nigeria.  Methods: The investigation employed descriptive survey design. The population for the study  comprised of 70 Academic librarians. The questionnaire was the instrument that was employed in data  collection. However, 63 questionnaires were returned and used as the sample size. Analysis was done  using mean statistics.  Results: The study revealed that the mostly needed skills are effective communication skills, technical  skills, computer literacy and information seeking skills, while the mostly used methods in the  professional development of librarians are conferences, seminars, workshops and short courses. The  challenges include poor attitude of library staff to continuing professional development initiatives  (waiting to be sent) amongst others.  Conclusion: Improvement of attitude of library staff and Library Management, collaboration between  Nigerian Library Association and Nigerian Library Registration Council were adduced as solutions to  the problems. 



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How to Cite

Basic Skills Needed in Continuing Professional Development of Librarians in Nigeria . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(1), 55-65.