Library Services in E-Learning Environment: Its Different Application Area


  • Mintu Halder Librarian, Bhairab Ganguly College, Belgharia, Kolkata, West Bengal 700056, India
  • Soma Prasad Junior Research Fellow , IGNOU



e-Learning, Learning Environment, Web-based Education


Electronic learning refers to any learning with the aid of information and communication technology  (ICT) such as online learning, webinars, discussion forums, chats, computer-based learning, and  educational materials on videos (Wang, 2004). Currently, peoples are directly or indirectly being  dependent on the internet learning. In the corona virus pandemic peoples are actually had no option  other than doing work or studied through internet. They also enjoy it because of the attractive features  of online learning and working. Nowadays ICT is being used in everywhere, of course in education too.  E-learning is internet based learning provide faster learning at low cost with high reliability.  Development of ICT as well as new educational models require librarian to advance their scope to e collection and e-services. Today users need to directly access required information on any web enabled  devise at any time from any location. Libraries are also migrating towards the digitisation in order to  support the e-learning. Only converting traditional library to digital library is not the solution at all in  e-learning environment. Libraries must provide digital based services to their users to influence them  toward the library. This paper highlights the possible area of library services that enables users to use  library resources more enthusiastically in e-learning environment. 


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How to Cite

Library Services in E-Learning Environment: Its Different Application Area . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(1), 66-71.