Knowledge Management and Information Professionals in 21st Century Academic Libraries in Nigeria


  • Boma T David-West Department of Library and Information Science, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.



Knowledge, Management, Information, Professionals, 21st Century, Academic, Libraries


Knowledge management is an essential area of activity in organizations. It harnesses valuable  information resources for the benefit of patrons and success of 21st century academic libraries.  Academic libraries have important role in updating its practices in knowledge management which  increases enviable technological devices and sophiscated system of storage and retrieval. Thus the paper  highlights the concept of knowledge management, knowledge application management, knowledge  dissemination management, knowledge management skills for information professionals, importance of  knowledge management in academic libraries and knowledge management tools. Thus the paper posits  that academic libraries adopt knowledge innovation management, in order to deliver library services  through innovative library technology to ensure they remain relevant in the 21st century. It was  recommended among others that knowledge management practices should be inculcated into academic  libraries in the provision of library services and information dissemination to patrons. Also, information professionals should constantly update their skills and competencies in order to be key  players in knowledge management phenomenon. 


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How to Cite

Knowledge Management and Information Professionals in 21st Century Academic Libraries in Nigeria . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(1), 72-78.