Role of Public Libraries in Promoting Reading Habits


  • Basawaraj Malipatil Librarian, Dr Ambedkar First Grade College Rangampet, Tq-Shorapur, Dist-Yadagir, Karnataka State 585220, India.



Reading habits, public libraries, social networking sites, Youths, Children’s, Public


Reading is a basic life skill needed by an individual throughout one’s life. Recognizing the importance of  reading and the decline in reading culture this study aims to find out the reading habits among the  students newly admitted at SP College Shorapur Yadagir Karnataka. The study shows that students  spend more time on social networking sites rather than reading. The research focuses on how the public  libraries of Karnataka can aid in inculcating the reading habits among children at the school level and how  technology can be incorporated to make reading more pleasurable.  


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How to Cite

Role of Public Libraries in Promoting Reading Habits . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(1), 138-143.