Obstacles to Academic Staff Using Electronic Databases in Delta State University Library, Abraka
Electronic, Databases, Academic Staff, University, LibraryAbstract
Electronic information resources are gaining popularity in place of traditional print resources due to their mobility, flexibility, and rapid access to current information. Libraries, more than ever, are also devoting a significant portion of their funds on online services. The reason for this research was to determine the barriers to academic staff using electronic databases at the Delta State University Library in Abraka. Three (3) research questions were developed to accomplish this purpose. The study employed a survey method and a questionnaire-based survey to gather information from academic staff at Delta State University, Abraka. The study discovered that HINARI, AJOL, EBSCO Host, JSTOR and AGORA were the types of electronic databases used by the academic staff; respondents use the electronic databases for specific purposes such as thesis/ dissertation writing; the study also exposed that lack of user education and guidance on use of databases is the major constraint faced by the respondents. Base on the findings, the study recommend among others that there should be training for the academic librarians on how to use the databases to assist users in their search for information, it also should be regularized and more participants be encouraged to attend.
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