Knowledge Management Practice among Academic Staff of Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano


  • Rukayyah Mohammed Kamal Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano
  • Farida Sani Stores Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano
  • Idris Yusuf Danladi Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano



Knowledge Management, Awareness, Perception, Practice and Academic Staff


Knowledge Management (KM) is perceived to be a key concern to all organizations. It is also believed to be the act of creating, acquiring, packaging applying and re use of knowledge. The study aimed at  exploring the awareness and benefits of KM as well as its integration into the academic practice of the  college by the academic staff. The study was conducted using explanatory sequential design with  questionnaire and interview as instruments for the data collection. The study revealed that not all the  academic staffs in the college were aware of KM but those that were aware of it perceived it as  something that is necessary for general development of the institution. Majority of the respondents  were aware of KM and do practice it at varying degrees. It was also revealed that the respondents  benefitted from KM because it helps the academic staff to acquire a lot of information and knowledge through the institutions’ activities like seminars, workshops and team work. It was concluded that the  organization appears to be paying no attention to KM. The respondents therefore need more awareness  and understanding of the subject matter. 


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How to Cite

Knowledge Management Practice among Academic Staff of Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano . (2020). Library Progress (International), 40(2), 166-174.