Reference Librarian turn to Chat GPT to provide Ready Reference Services and Current Awareness Services


  • Sagiru Bala Musa PhD Research Scholar, Career Point University (CPU), Kota
  • Deepak Kumar Shavarastava INELI South Asia Mentor, Divisional Librarian and Head, Government Divisional Public Library, Kota, Rajasthan INDIA


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning (DL), Machine Learning (ML), Neural Networks(NN), Conversational AI (CAI), Chatbot, (KG), Transformer Architecture (TA), Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), Data Science (DS), Big Data (BD), Robotics, Computer Vision(CV), Reinforcement Learning (RL), Image Processing(IM), Speech Recognition (SR)


The goal of this paper is to see if it is possible to incorporate chat GPT applications into library  reference services. This paper provides an overview of the Chat GPT application, which is being integrated into  library services to provide users with ready reference and current awareness services. The paper discusses the  role of the reference librarian in the age of chat GPT, such as user guidance and content creation. The  advantages of chat GPT were identified, such as improving search and discovery, database development,  cataloguing, and content creation, and providing a 24/7 current awareness service, which meets a demand that  librarians are sometimes unable to meet. Chat GPT issues such as confidentiality and bias, availability issues,  and accuracy issues were also discussed. There were suggestions offered to enhance the chat GTP service. 


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How to Cite

Reference Librarian turn to Chat GPT to provide Ready Reference Services and Current Awareness Services. (2023). LIS TODAY, 8(1&2), 94-100.