Innovation in Accounting- The Forensic Accounting


  • Anita Sharma Samnol Reader; Department Of Business Administration, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, New Delhi


Forensic Accounting, Frauds, Forensic Accountants, Indiaforensic and Fraud Examiners


Innovation in every field is an essential requisite. Forensic Accounting  in the field of accounting is also considered to be essential due to the  rapidly increasing number of frauds. Innovation in Accounting in terms  of Forensic Accounting has taken place due to the increased number of  corporate scams in an unmatchable speed. Frauds are spreading like  a communicable disease by victimizing the corporate world in such a  manner that the investors and economy as a whole finds difficult to re cover from it. In India the rate of rapid increase in the number of white  collar crimes and frauds and lack of sufficient expertise to prevent these  practices brings attention towards Forensic Accounting. Scams done by  Ketan Parekh, Harshad Mehta and the Satyam Scam have shaken the  economy and resulted in the increased demand of the Forensic Accoun tants so that preventive actions can be taken before it becomes a curse.  Specialized knowledge in the field is a prerequisite for becoming a foren sic accountant. Some agencies are actively engaged in this field but there  still exists a gap in the demand and supply of the forensic accountants.  This paper makes an attempt to discuss the meaning, innovation and need  of forensic accounting, hub of frauds and the working of forensic accoun tants to control it, prerequisites of a forensic accountant and the present  status of forensic accounting and forensic accountant in India. 


Albrecht C. Conan “Fraud and Forensic Accounting In a Digital Environment” Whitepaper for Institute for Fraud Prevention at per-4.pdf

Dr. Yadav Sudhir & Dr. Yadav Sushama, “Forensic Account ing: A New Dynamic Approach to Investigate Fraud Cases” EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Manage ment Studies, Vol.3 (7), July (2013), pp1-9.

“India Inc hiring experts to detect accounting frauds: KPMG”, Mar 28, 2010 - New Delhi

“Lightning The Fraud Examination in India - complete re source guide on fraud examination in India” Report by Indi aforensic Research Foundation

Ray Parimal “Forensic Accounting, a useful tool to combat Fraud & its consequences—a study of its development” The Management Accountant November 2011,pp 1037-1048.

3rd Annual report on Status of Forensic Accounting in India published by Indiaforensic

Conan C. Albrecht “Fraud and Forensic Accounting In a Dig ital Environment” White Paper for The Institute for Fraud Prevention Marriott School of Management Brigham Young University

Das Santanu Kumar, 2012, “Forensic Accounting: A tool of Detecting White Collar Crimes in corporate world”, Indian Journal of Research, Vol.1,Issue 2, pp. 1-3

Dr. Yadav Sudhir & Dr. Yadav Sushama, “Forensic Account ing: A New Dynamic Approach to Investigate Fraud Cases” EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Manage ment Studies, Vol.3 (7), July (2013), pp1-9.

Nigrini, Mark J., “Forensic Analytics: Methods and Tech niques for Forensic Accounting Investigations”, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011: Print



How to Cite

Innovation in Accounting- The Forensic Accounting. (2015). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 6(1), 46-49.