Indian Rural Marketing - Challenges, Opportunities And Strategies For The Marketeers


  • Benu Sharma Lecturer, DPC Institute of Management, New Delhi


Literacy, Rural, Potential, Price Perception, Socio – Psychological


The Indian rural market is becoming lucrative and  demanding both for the companies and the customers. It is  filled with challenges and opportunities both. On one hand,  there are specific characteristics of the rural market which  stops the companies to enter and perform on the other  hand the market invites great business volumes in terms of  population and its uniqueness.  


Gopalaswamy T.P., Rural Marketing, Environment, Problems and Strategies, Wheeler Publishing, edition 2007.

Singh Bir, Rural Marketing, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. , edition 2006.

Nair N. Rajan, Sanjith R. Nair R. Sanjith, Marketing, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1997.

KashyapPradeep and Rant Siddartha (2007), The Rural Marketing Book, Biztantra, New Delhi.

Raju M.S. and Xardel D. (2010), “Consumer Behaviour”, Vikas Publishing House, Noida.

Singh Sukhpal, “Rural Marketing- Focus on agricultural inputs”, (2008), Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.

Krishnamoorty R. (2008), Introduction to Rural Marketing”, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

Desai Vasant, (2009) Rural Development in India, Himalaya publishing House, New Delhi.



How to Cite

Indian Rural Marketing - Challenges, Opportunities And Strategies For The Marketeers. (2012). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 3(1), 47-49.