Role of Technology in Activity Based Learning


  • Prashant K. Gupta Lecturer CSE Depp,Northern india engineering collage new delhi


Activity Based Learning ABL, multtgrade classrooms, faculty develooment, technology in ABL


In the nntton whose Ed11cnlion Systom Is suffonng from  two ma1or problems of mutigmdo r!Rs.c;room tonching &  lns11fhcicnt stRffmg. Acttv,f} Btiscd LcRmmg(ABL) Is one  of the now rovo/ut,on m th dm. t,on. II off, rs solutions  to both th s major problem.,;. Hero the system is  student ntn , i t oft mphRsts is lmd on the ubiquitous  I 9ming I nm the /:lsr n of R teacher. Here a lot also  d p nd. l n th t hnology as well The basic aim of this  paper ,s h ht1Qht the various ways in which the  t :hn I g) cRn be helpful ,n implementation of actiVity  oo~ f m,ng in the held of Professional Education 



How to Cite

Role of Technology in Activity Based Learning. (2011). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 2(1), 10-12.