Theories of Learning


  • Arplta Kaul Assistant Professor, Rukmfnl Devi Institute Of Advance Studies New Delhi
  • Apurva Bhatia Student, Rukmini Devi Institute Of Advance Studies New Delhi


Theories of Learning, Nervousness, Unconditioned


 In today's world where there is so much f? learn an~ t,me  is less, the question arises of how effective and efficient  teaching can be made. Teaching is nowadays not only. limite<:f to imparting the  knowledge but it has become - ,mpartmg the knowle~ge  in a way it can be retained by the stude?ts and ~pplted.  There are different learning theones which are  Thus, the teacher is an uncond·t·  f 11oned . Nervousness, ear, sweat are uncond"t' st1rnu1us  The ringing of bell for the particular ; ioned response·  conditioned stimulus as the teacher wi~acher's class i~  bell for her lecture rings and nervous come When the  sweat on the ringing of the bell a:ss, fear and  response. conditioneo  1. Unconditioned stimulus consciously or unconsciously used by the teachers. The following paper brings to light the various learning  theories and how they are used in teaching.

References /cl scond.htm

• http://psychology. n/lntroopcond.htm

entalpsycho •http://psychology. y/ / ool II rnlng.htm

C gnlt!V8•

•http:// zln rtlcl flnltlon-of· 0 I.a rnlng&ldm 5039



How to Cite

Theories of Learning. (2011). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 2(1), 18-20.