Data Mining-Emerging Tool for Market Analysis


  • Gaurav Ahuja Assistant Professor and Controller of Examination, Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research, Delhi (Affiliated to GGS Jndrapastha University)


Mining-Emerging Tool, Market  Analysis, web marketing


This paper studies data mining as a  nPw and emerging tool for MarkeAnalysis. Thi:, reveals that Data  Mining which is the process of  extracting various kinds of business  infonnation from the data warehouse  helps in various f unctional areas omarket analysis i.e. Market baseanalysis, customer profiling, web marketing ere. to gain the competitive  advantage for the organization. Jr  shows that Data Mining tools perform  market analysis by clearing business  data, enhancing customer knowledge,  enhanced marketing strategies and  increasing profits. This paper reveals how to gain  compe//// ve edge and enhance  business profitability and efficie11cy Business organizations worldwide  are taking help of different DatMining tools. Data Mining fills the  growing gap between large storage  systems and powerful retrieval  systems and ability to analyze the  information obtained. It helpcontribute to research by providinassociation techniques, techniques for  on-line discovery, ensemble learninand distributed data sets. Large  number of marketing analysitechniques are related to sales forecasting which can be performeby the data mining tools. It shows if tools are used bmarketing managers effectively then  it provides an edge to their business.



How to Cite

Data Mining-Emerging Tool for Market Analysis . (2010). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 1(1), 15-18.